Xbxrx di Lambert M. Surhone, Miriam T. Timpledon, Susan F. Marseken edito da Betascript Publishing






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Descrizione Xbxrx

High Quality Content by WIKIPEDIA articles! XBXRX is an American punk band formed in 1998 in Mobile, Alabama. Their early sound very new wave-influenced, but is now more improvised and deconstructed, moving away from using the synthesizers that typify new wave. They are a collective with a revolving cast of musicians, including Steve Touchstone, Weasel Walter, and Vice Cooler. In 2002, Wesley Willis wrote a song dedicated to the band. Today the collective resides in Oakland, California, where they have finished working on their next record, Wars, which was released in April 2007. They are currently touring and working on a record of improv based pieces titled "Sound" and splits with Mika Miko and Japanther. On February 27, 1998, after attending a concert by Unwound and Deerhoof at Jaycee Hall in Biloxi, Mississippi, the band started as a trio, using a simple drum set, guitar and an inexpensive Radio Shack synthesizer.

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