Wrong Turn di Vincent Risoli-Black edito da Iuniverse
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Wrong Turn

The Fifth Season Of Love: The Way... The Way Out... And The Wayward Dolphins







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Descrizione Wrong Turn

Using the Bible (especially the Gospels) as a source of consolation for the believed potential devastation that would result in the Wrath of God once seen imminent through Global Warming, one is led through by the author to view positive signs of God's mercy and a new City of God that the Bible promises in Revelations. The dolphins trapped in our rivers were our delight as we witnessed the twists and turns brought upon life through our eco-systems and society. Also a film-maker, Risoli-Black details this additional dialog in the novel with anecdotes and criticisms of films of the fifties, sixties and seventies when one had choices of decent role models with ideal standards, not idols that led away from God. WRONG TURN: The Fifth Season of Love is a novel of true events where the townsfolk are the heavies that recall plots like Peyton Place and Town Without Pity. Also includes the novella, "The Song of the Bow" about the love between Jonathan and David, a love greater than the love of women.

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