Writing Fiction: A Guide to Narrative Craft di Janet Burroway edito da Longman Publishing Group

Writing Fiction: A Guide to Narrative Craft





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Descrizione Writing Fiction: A Guide to Narrative Craft

A bestseller through six editions, "Writing Fiction" by novelists Janet Burroway and Elizabeth Stuckey-French explores the elements of fiction, providing practical writing techniques and concrete examples. Written in a tone that is personal and non-prescriptive, this book encourages writers to develop proficiency through each step of the writing process, offering an abundance of exercises designed to spur writing and creativity. "The text Writing Fiction "also integrates diverse contemporary short stories in every chapter in the belief that the reading of inspiring fiction goes hand-in-hand with the writing of fresh and exciting stories. Thorough and practical discussions of all the major fictional elements offer readers a comprehensive guide to the craft of writing stories. Topics include freewriting, plot, style, characterization, dialogue, time, place, imagery, and point of view. For novice writers looking to develop proficiency.

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