Writing And Growing di Timothy Horan edito da Rowman & Littlefield
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Writing And Growing

Transforming High School Students Into Writers





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Descrizione Writing And Growing

In this book, Dr. Timothy Horan presents an original and highly effective writing program whose major goal is to transform high school students into accomplished writers and mature young adults. This writing program is innovative, rigorous, and engaging, and was designed with high school students in mind. This volume contains a total of twenty original writing projects that represent creative (and innovative) interpretations of Common Core Writing Standards. These projects focus on the worlds of contemporary secondary students, exploring such topics as technology, literature, goals for the future, and potential careers. Each assignment in this book is full and complete, and includes a reproducible outline that presents the assignment to students in a simplified graphical format. As students progress through this program, they will encounter engaging writing projects that foster growth and anticipate the changes occurring in students' lives during this time of development and transition. It will also prepare students for the rigors of writing in college, career, and the unwritten future that awaits all of them. Finally, Dr. Horan issues a call for every secondary school in the United States to create and implement courses singularly devoted to the craft of writing-and this book contains the curriculum for that course.

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