The Writer's Guide to Everyday Life in Renaissance England di Kathy Lynn Emerson edito da MASSETTI PUB
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The Writer's Guide to Everyday Life in Renaissance England





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Descrizione The Writer's Guide to Everyday Life in Renaissance England

The Writer's Guide to Everyday Life in Renaissance England, revised in 2023, was originally published in 1996 as part of the Writers Digest Books Everyday Life series. It contains chapters on: Clothes and Accessories; Food and Drink; Architecture; Furnishing a House; Marriage and Family; Physic and Physicians; Government; Monarchs, Nobles, and Commoners; Crime and Punishment; Coins, Money, and How Much Things Cost; War and Peace; Seafaring; Education, Secular and Religious; Employment; Entertainment; Language; Life in London and Other Cities; Rural Life; Travel and Travelers; and Witches, Magic, Necromancy, and Superstition. "Even if you're not writing historical fiction, this volume is full of fascinating period information." Booklist Kathy Lynn Emerson is also the author of A Who's Who of Tudor Women, How to Write Killer Historical Mysteries, and numerous historical mysteries, including the Face Down Series, the Mistress Jaffrey Mysteries, and the Diana Spaulding 1888 Quartet.

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