Would You Like to Sleep with My Wife? di Tom Kelly edito da AUTHORHOUSE
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Would You Like to Sleep with My Wife?







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Descrizione Would You Like to Sleep with My Wife?

Would You Like to Sleep With My Wife? is a satirical novel based on true events and the lifestyle of Tom Kelly, a young man who, on his quest for self-fulfillment, stumbles into a nudist swinger culture. At the age of twenty-five, Tom Kelly decides he's had enough of northern Virginia and heads to Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, where his half-witted girlfriend, Denise, offers him a place to stay. Born to long-time nudist parents, Tom has become what one might call an expert at viewing the naked body at many different angles. After spending two unfulfilling months in Ft. Lauderdale, Tom decides to pursue his shallow dream of immersing himself in a nudist colony and ends up in the city of Lust-more specifically at the gates of Naked World Resorts and Spa. Tom snags a management job at the resort, and as he is thrown headfirst into the world of swingers, closet swingers, and wannabe-swingers, he begins to find himself knee-deep in all sorts of sticky and humorous situations. Would You Like to Sleep With My Wife? is full of laugh-out-loud surprises and eroticism, all while offering an intriguing and fascinating glimpse into the swinger way of life.

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