The Worst Book in the Whole Entire World di Joey Acker edito da Joey and Melanie Acker
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The Worst Book in the Whole Entire World





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Descrizione The Worst Book in the Whole Entire World

Poor Nameless tries to explain to the reader why this book is simply the WORST book in the whole entire world! Will he succeed in his noble quest? Is he part of the reason this book is the worst?? Will it have a happy ending or the worst ending ever??? The Worst Book in the Whole Entire World is a humorous and witty tale for young and seasoned readers. Whatever you do though, don't read it out loud! You may catch wind of these words: booger, stinky, toot, and booty. You've been warned, but you'll still want to see what happens next in this funny adventure! The Entire World Books series is geared towards ages 3-9 and is great for beginner and reluctant readers. Boys, girls, primary school students, adults, and parents can enjoy this new quirky and silly children's book series. DISCLAIMER: this book is not meant to be educational or considered a literary classical masterpiece by any means. This story is the worst AND these illustrations are the worst. That's the idea! However, if you and your child have a clever and unique sense of humor then this very well may be the book for you...

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