Worship Me Because di Brenda Victoria Boone edito da Westbow Press
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Worship Me Because





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Descrizione Worship Me Because

Dear Heavenly Father, You asked who will worship You. I will worship You for being the True and Living God. I know You are my Creator and my Lord. I thank You for being all wisdom to me. You have guided me in all truth, and I want You to know I appreciate all the things You have done for me. I worship You for being my Healer. You had to show me that You are the God who performs miracles all by yourself. I thank You for healing my body. Through my trials You were by my side. I will worship You for all the things You have done for me. You are all I will ever need. I will put my trust in You because You are my God. Your Son, Jesus Christ, made the ultimate sacrifice, so I would be able to serve You as my God. I will worship your Holy Name, for You are my King and I will serve You with my whole heart.

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