Worlds of Exile and Illusion: Three Complete Novels of the Hainish Series in One Volume--Rocannon's World; Planet of Exile; City of Illusions di Ursula K. Le Guin edito da TOR BOOKS
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Worlds of Exile and Illusion: Three Complete Novels of the Hainish Series in One Volume--Rocannon's World; Planet of Exile; City of Illusions

Three Complete Novels of the Hainish Series in One Volume--Rocannon's World; Planet of Exile; City of Illusions







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THREE REMARKABLE JOURNEYS INTO THE STARS.Worlds of Exile and Illusion by Ursula K. Le Guin includes: Rocannon's World, Planet of Exile, City of IllusionsThese three spacefaring adventures mark the beginning of grand master Ursula K. Le Guin's remarkable career. Set in the same universe as Le Guin's groundbreaking classics The Left Hand of Darkness and The Dispossessed, these first three books of the celebrated Hainish Series follow travelers of many worlds and civilizations in the depths of space. The novels collected in this Tor Essentials edition are the first three ever published by Le Guin, a frequent winner of the Hugo and Nebula Awards and one of the greatest science fiction and fantasy writers of all time. With a new introduction by Amal El-Mohtar, Hugo and Nebula Award-winning author.

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