Worlds Apart di R. L. Dukes edito da Springer Netherlands
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Worlds Apart

Collective Action In Simulated Agrarian And Industrial Societies





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Descrizione Worlds Apart

One ¿ Gamed Simulations for Social Scientists.- Gaming in the College Classroom.- Scientific Gaming.- Gamed Simulation.- Social Science Research with Gamed Simulations.- Games Versus Real Life.- The Industrial Revolution.- Starpower.- Research Design.- Stratification in Agrarian and Industrial Society Contrasted.- Findings About Conflict and Change.- What is a Gamed Simulation?.- Simulation.- Gamed Simulations.- two ¿ History of Gamed Simulation in Social Science Research.- Inter-Nation Simulation (INS).- Simsoc (Simulated Society).- Starpower.- High School.- Generation Gap.- The Commons Game.- Conclusion.- three ¿ Theory.- Social Structure.- Open and Closed Social Systems.- Implications of Social Structure for Empirical Predictions Concerning Play of Starpower.- Status Characteristics.- The Intergroup Association Block.- The Formation of Interests and Perceptions.- Group Size and the Organization of Interest Groups.- The Second Round.- Rule Change Portion of the Game and Class Conflict.- Mobilization.- Group Interaction.- Rule Changes.- Elite Theory.- Law.- Repression.- Collective Action.- The Results of Repression and Collective Action.- Four ¿ History and Rules of Starpower.- History.- How Starpower is Played.- Transcript of a Play of Starpower.- Five ¿ Operationalization of Concepts of the Theory Model.- The Social Structural Block: Manipulated Variables.- Variables of the Status Characteristics Block.- Round 2.- The Rule Change Portion of the Game.- Round 3.- Six ¿ Hypotheses to be Tested in the Starpower Simulation.- Components of the Theoretical Model.- Round 2.- The End of Round 2.- The Rule Change Portion of the Game.- Round 3.- Summary of the Hypotheses.- Seven ¿ Research Procedures.- The Classroom Groups.- Player Characteristics.- Size of Societies.- Size of Social Classes.- Late Arriving Players.- Starpower and the Sociology and Social Anthropology Curriculum.- Game Administration.- Identification Tags.- Player¿s Logs.- Timing of Rounds.- Standardized Bonus Rounds.- Round 3.- Rule Changes.- Collective Action.- Debriefing.- Summary.- Eight ¿ Qualitative Analysis of Starpower.- The Day We Played Starpower: Observations by a Fictitious Player.- Group Bonus.- Motility.- Rule Changes.- Collective Action.- Comments by Players.- Summary of the Observations.- Nine ¿ Findings from the Quantitative Analysis of Collective Action in Starpower.- Round 1.- Round 2.- Transition Period at the end of Round 2.- Rule Changes.- Verbal Interactions.- Collective Action.- Round 3.- Summary of Data Analysis.- Afterword.- Appendix a ¿ Sample Scoresheet.- References.

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