The World Within Book One  Larger Print Edition di Richard L. Newell edito da
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The World Within Book One Larger Print Edition






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Descrizione The World Within Book One Larger Print Edition

WELCOME TO ADVENTURE! Get Ready To Explore The World Within. Enter the unknown, and encounter amazing truths which may totally alter the way you perceive our planet, Earth. Discover a Subterranean Civilization which embodies and expresses many of the joys and values of Christian Living. THE WORLD WITHIN Book One Walter finds a tunnel which leads from rural Appalachia to a city deep within the crust of the earth. He meets Lemulon, a giant of a man whose heart is as kindly and warm as the Shepherd he follows. Many unsolved mysteries of the universe are revealed to Walter as he explores a vast territory which, to us, is new and uncharted. The highlight of his subterranean travel culminates with a visit to a series of immense illuminated caverns which are inhabited by descendants of the ancient Incas of South America. Discover what happened to a fabulous treasure which the Spanish Conquistador, Pizarro demanded as ransom for the release of Atahualpa, the last great King of the Incan Civilization.

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