The World Rolling in Death Row: America in Danger di Mohammad Kabir edito da AUTHORHOUSE
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The World Rolling in Death Row: America in Danger

America in Danger







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Descrizione The World Rolling in Death Row: America in Danger

We have seen at this time every day what is happening around us and for our neighbors and what the danger is there for them and for us. The danger is the terror missions, militants, insurgents, other small anti-militia groups, and the major weather threats. All these projections make the danger. It is today and will continue these hazardous situations for tomorrow and for the next millennia. However, the danger the book is discussing is about the U.S., including the U.S. allies and for the global world. The poetry is all about the present dangers that have already been created by the weather, wars, and the anti-human attackers, and the future danger of the weather. Danger, danger, danger, more danger in the future if we have no solutions at all for stopping the crucial aggression, we will all be caught by potential strangers.

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