World Religions Peace and Conflict : Role of Islam di Md Soharab Hossain Faruk edito da LAP Lambert Academic Publishing
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World Religions Peace and Conflict : Role of Islam

Role Of Islam





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The book may be considered as the finest and simplest introduction to the role of religions in promoting peace. Now-a-days when we observe all the worries, pain, anger, misfortune, evil, conflicts and confrontations around the world, we see that they are mainly due to the wrong understanding of the religions. From this misunderstanding, we erroneously generate emotional attachments, differentiate between others and ourselves, and expand the conflicts and confrontations within ourselves to others. This is why we have worsening conflicts every where. Especially Muslim opposition countries led by USA determined Islam or Muslim as their enemy. They also believe that Islam supports terrorist. So they are trying to fight against Islam and Muslim by the name of ¿war on terror¿. But the core faith of Islam is benevolence, compassion, universal love, sincerity respect, humility, peace and harmony. if we want to save the world today, we must consider religions as necessary components of enough solidarity and mutual coexistence and cooperation. In order to achieve peace, we must take religion as the foundation and every religious believer learn his or her own sacred texts in depth.

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