The World at 15mph . . . ish di Naomi Johnson edito da LIGHTNING SOURCE INC
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The World at 15mph . . . ish





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Descrizione The World at 15mph . . . ish

Aged 36 and ready for a change in her life, Naomi set off to cycle the world on the adventure of a lifetime - with a man she'd met only three times before! With early school reports noting Naomi would be better at sport if she at least turned up, this is not an athlete's journey - but the story of an ordinary person with a great opportunity and a can-do attitude. The trip would be life changing, seeing Naomi travel almost 20,000 miles and through 26 countries, including riding from Cairo to Capetown and crossing over the 5,416m Thorong-la pass in Nepal. Naomi's inspiring memoir is a story of overcoming challenges, making the most of life's opportunities and, of course, of travel, cycling, relationships and the oft missed part of travel writing - how do you adjust to life on your return home?

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