The World According To Vince: A Romantic di STUART REARDON edito da Lightning Source Uk Ltd
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The World According To Vince: A Romantic

A Romantic Comedy





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Descrizione The World According To Vince: A Romantic

Grace Cooper, corporate lawyer, isn't falling for the dubious charms of British bad boy, Vince Azzo-but he's a man on a mission, determined to change her mind-and lower her standards. When Vince gets arrested for breaking into an animal shelter, he needs Grace's help. But not all the drama is in the courtroom. Grace The only thing I like about Vincent Azzo is that he's 3,000 miles away. I don't care that he's a gorgeous 6' 4" slab of manhood with a piercing gaze and blinding smile. He's always crass and rude and swears all the time, and OMG, his Instagram feed is full of his manhood outlined in briefs, boxers, sweatpants and tighty whiteys-sometimes not even that much. He's gorgeous, it's true, and he's modelled for Armani-what on earth does he want with me? Vince Grace Cooper is a class act-too smart to fall for my charms, but that won't stop me trying. She's a hard nut to crack-corporate lawyer on the outside, all woman inside. She's not interested in me-luckily, I love a challenge.

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