The Works Of John Marston (volume 3); Eastward Ho. The Insatiate Countess. The Metamorphosis Of Pygmalion's Image, And Certain Satires. The di Arthur Henry Bullen, John Marston edito da General Books Llc

The Works Of John Marston (volume 3); Eastward Ho. The Insatiate Countess. The Metamorphosis Of Pygmalion's Image, And Certain Satires. The





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Descrizione The Works Of John Marston (volume 3); Eastward Ho. The Insatiate Countess. The Metamorphosis Of Pygmalion's Image, And Certain Satires. The

The book has no illustrations or index. It may have numerous typos or missing text. However, purchasers can download a free scanned copy of the original rare book from the publisher's website ( You can also preview excerpts of the book there. Purchasers are also entitled to a free trial membership in the General Books Club where they can select from more than a million books without charge. Title: The Works of John Marston: Eastward Ho. the Insatiate Countess. the Metamorphosis of Pygmalion's Image, and Certain Satires. the Scourge of Villainy. Entertainment of Alice, Dowager-Countess of Derby. City Pageant. Verses From Chester's Love's Martyr. the Mountebank's Masque. Commendatory Verses Prefixed to Ben Jonson's Sejanus; Volume: 3; Original Publisher: J.C. Nimmo; Publication date: 1887; Subjects: Drama / General; Drama / English, Irish, Scottish, Welsh; Drama / Shakespeare; History / General; Literary Criticism / Drama; Literary Criticism / Shakespeare;

Fuori catalogo - Non ordinabile
€ 68.70

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