Working and Living Injury Free di Adam Wolfe edito da Page Publishing Inc
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Working and Living Injury Free

The Battle to Eradicate Unsafe Behavior from the Workplace





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Descrizione Working and Living Injury Free

Working and Living Injury Free-The Battle to Eradicate Unsafe Behavior from the Workplace is the story of one safety professional, who stepped into the role with no such designation behind his name, nor with any education or experience in the health and safety field. However, with determination and common sense, and with a passion for the health and safety of the employees he served, he took a manufacturing plant from the bottom pit of safety performance, to number two in the organization both globally and in North America. His work became an organizational standard and a best in class safety strategy emulated by other manufacturing facilities in the company. He helped to achieve safety success and reduced human injuries on a stellar level and became a recognized safety leader in the organization. This book is his story, written in his own words, and documents how he helped bring a manufacturing facility to the top in their health and safety performance, and how he helped to reduce human injuries and saved lives.

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