WORDS You Need To Know & di Lee G. Lovett edito da Peace Love & Reason LLC
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WORDS You Need To Know &

FACTS You're Embarrassed Not To Know





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Descrizione WORDS You Need To Know &

There are 7 reasons to read and master this book: (1) Better vocabularies imply more intelligence & facilitate better thinking. (2) Dictionaries are too big to memorize. (3) Most vocab books are too simple with only a few hundred words vs. 5,000 entries here. (4) The words herein are those used by some of history's greatest classical and contemporary writers. (5) Definitions include elevated synonyms, antonyms and distinguish confusingly similar words. (6) As a bonus, find countless KEY FACTS that most of us are embarrassed not to know but do not know - ideal for party-games, children and grandchildren. Adults need this book for career advancement and self-respect. (7) Finally, as early as age thirty, we need to begin to fight memory loss. This book offers a life-long memory-exercise program.

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