The Words of My Life di Christina Marra edito da Balboa Press
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The Words of My Life


Balboa Press





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Descrizione The Words of My Life

Vivid - at times raw with emotion and dripping with sentiment.Christina Marra traces the timeline of her life with soulful imagery and profound emotion.She speaks of relatable experiences using the poetry she calls the Words of Her Life. Marra begins with the birth of self and traces the development of her thoughts and feelings as she experiences love, life, and a full range of emotions during her adolescence and into her adulthood. She exasperates the development of self through profound images that speak to the very heart of your soul. She speaks of family, upbringing, dreams, and love. She speaks of the foundation of emotions that she associates with every aspect of her living. She questions learned truths and visits the very nature of her being. Marra finds herself in her writings and, through her loving, accepts the woman she is today.

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