Words of Divine Comfort di Octavius Winslow edito da Bottom of the Hill Publishing
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Words of Divine Comfort





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Descrizione Words of Divine Comfort

The title of this little work, it is hoped, sufficiently indicates its character and design, irrespective of any formal preface. It is intended to be a faint echo of God's words of divine love, addressed from time to time to His people, amid the varied experiences, duties, and trials of their Christian course. To aid and secure this holy result is the earnest design of this little volume, which the author commends to the devout perusal of the sincere believer in Jesus, and commits to the condescending blessing of the Triune God. Octavius Winslow stood out as one of the foremost evangelical preachers of the 19th Century. A Baptist minister and contemporary of Charles Spurgeon he seceded to the Anglican church in his last decade. His Christ centered works show devotion and practicality.

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