Words Born of Silence di Ruth Harris Swaner edito da iUniverse
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Words Born of Silence

Unexpected Gifts of Autism







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Descrizione Words Born of Silence

"There were sounds, though they did not come from Michael's bedroom. They were coming from outside. I ran to the window and saw Michael outside in the garden, crying and cold under a shivering moon. In the summer, he would sit in the garden for hours sifting dirt through his delicate fingers. But this night the ground was frozen. Michael's hands were almost frostbitten. We must put a lock on his bedroom door." Words Born of Silence: Unexpected Gifts of Autism is a powerful story of one woman's challenging journey with an autistic son. She finds her path made easier and her burden lighter when she is later joined by a friend on the same journey. As she deals with the challenges that her son's autism brings to her daily life, she begins another journey that is also life-defining: the gradual loss of her mother. Through her poignant journal entries, she reveals her first discovery of the extent of her mother's illness and the daily demands of her son's illness. As her mother begins to fade rapidly, she turns to her faith to learn how to trust, to love, and to deal with life's unexpected lessons.

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