The Wonderful Wizards of Oz di Garo Gazurian edito da iUniverse
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The Wonderful Wizards of Oz







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Descrizione The Wonderful Wizards of Oz

Democrats (and believe it or not, some Republicans) have finally come out of their coma, rejecting the lies and deception of the Bush Administration, weary of the senseless war in Iraq and alarmed by the erosion of our civil liberties. Best of all, people are energized into taking back their country. An easy read, provocative, and fun. Here and there, quite witty. The Wonderful Wizards of Oz is a whimsical satire set in the Medieval ages. Lord George of Bush, majestic in his royal robe, eagerly summons his four loyal knights, Sir Richard of Cheney, Sir Karl of Rove, Sir Donald of Rumsfeld and Lady Condoleezza of Rice to gather in the Great Hall of Mirrors to discuss the pressing issues of the day: how to fatten the purses of wealthy nobles without the knowledge of commoners; how best to manipulate the citizenry-fear, patriotism, morality; and above all, how to squelch dissent yet enhance the image of Lord George as a trustworthy, wise and decisive leader. Back-to-the-future scenes provide additional spurts of humor of contemporary happenings.

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