Women In Westerns di MATHESON  SUE edito da Edinburgh University Press
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Women In Westerns





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'In 1992 Jane Tompkins in West Of Everything raised the disturbing question of why there had not been a focus on women in the Western genre when they were obviously such key characters. Thankfully, Women In The Western, with its eighteen articles, selected filmography and two selected bibliographies about film and television Westerns provides the first sustained, scholarly answer to that important question almost thirty years later.' Michael Marsden, St Norbert College As the Western matured, women's roles became more complex and modern - transmitting a subtle cultural coding about the nature of westward expansionism, heroism, family life, manliness and American femininity. In Women in the Western, a range of international scholars explores the changing roles of women in the genre through case studies of classic films like Broken Arrow (1950) and The Searchers (1956), and contemporary films and TV series like Wind River (2017) and Justified (2010-15). Considering traditional and intertextual representations of women in the Western, the book charts the significant shifts in Hollywood's transmission of gender values and expectations. Sue Matheson is Associate Professor English at University College of the North, Canada Cover image: Jean Arthur in The Plainsman, Cecil B. DeMille, 1936 © Paramount Pictures/Photofest Cover design: [EUP logo] edinburghuniversitypress.com ISBN 978-1-4744-4413-2 Barcode

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