Women seeking health information on the Web: A multi-method study di Christine Marton edito da LAP Lambert Academic Publishing
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Women seeking health information on the Web: A multi-method study

A Multi-Method Study





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Descrizione Women seeking health information on the Web: A multi-method study

The purpose of this multi-method study was to examine the role of selected information source factors and situational factors in a gendered Web use behaviour: women seeking health information on the Web. The conceptual framework was constructed on theoretical foundations in information science and health sciences. The independent variables in the conceptual framework were information source characteristics, both information source quality (relevance and reliability) and information source accessibility (physical and cognitive access); Web self-efficacy; family caregiving role and experience and uncertainty associated with health information need arising from personal health conditions. Although they were not included in the theoretical model, seven socio-demographic variables commonly studied in the social sciences and health sciences disciplines were examined. The dependent variable was frequency of seeking health information on the Web.

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