Women in the Labour Force di A. M. Sultana, Yuvashini Salvamani edito da LAP Lambert Academic Publishing
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Women in the Labour Force

A Case Study of Perak, Malaysia





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The main focus of this book is to examine married women¿s participation in the labour force in the state of Perak, in Malaysia. It starts with an overview of married women¿s participation in the labour force in Malaysia. Extensive data have been obtained from the married women. The results revealed that married women in the labour are facing challenges to balance responsibility between work and family. The biggest challenges they are facing in labour force with respect to child-bearing and child-rearing. Some women desire to leave their jobs willingly and return to family because of childbearing and other responsibilities. Conversely, they are concerned about their economic contribution to their families. Women¿s participation in the labor force has the significant impact on the overall development of the country. By giving the importance and demands of women¿s participation in the labour force, the book suggests the implication of family friendly policy and its¿ appropriate practice with respect to flexible time work arrangements that may provide to support to women as well as to increase their participation in the labour force.

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