Women Give Men Too Much Power di Charlotte Hall edito da Xlibris Corporation
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Women Give Men Too Much Power





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Charlotte Hall, Owner of a Celebrity Day Spa, she now resides in DFW area she grew up in Foley Alabama a southern girl who believes in telling like it is, a single mother of twin daughters in college, believes a woman can be completely content without a man if she has to compromise to have one. She was a widow at 22, she went from managing $700.00 to 1 Million, she believes men smell money and lie to get it. They never talk about real issues, infidelity, lies, betrayal, and divorce. When the smoke clears and the dust settles your money will be gone along with them she seen it all. Is she angry? Never that, it takes too much energy but she would like for them to tell the truth, since they won't, she guess the women will have to do it. Women are getting it together body, soul, and mind with you or without ya no more waiting.

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