Women Autonomy and Health Decisions: A Study of Punjab, Pakistan di Yasir Saeed, Mohammad Shoaib, Alia Sadaf edito da LAP Lambert Academic Publishing
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Women Autonomy and Health Decisions: A Study of Punjab, Pakistan

A Study Of Punjab, Pakistan





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This study was designed to investigate the level of women autonomy and its impact on use of contraceptive in rural areas of Mandi Bahaud din, Pakistan. Trends of fertility in this rural area are very high due to low level of awareness. Married women were the target population and these women were found out by using cluster sampling in which a village of Mandi Bahaud Din, Pakistan was selected. Findings of the study accepted researcher¿s hypothesis; women education and work was found to be significant factors of women autonomy. This book is divided into six chapters. First chapter is Introduction in which background of study, statement of the problem, objectives and significance of the research is written. Second chapter is Review of literature, in which the previous researches from the area of women autonomy, their health care, and contraceptive usage are documented. In third chapter, conceptual and operational definitions are mentioned. After the definitions, methodology are explained in detail. Detailed analysis is given in the fifth chapter where descriptive and inferential analysis are explained separately. In last chapter conclusion is drawn with some recommendations.

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