Women as Portrayed Through Popular Culture di Tsion Yohannes edito da VDM Verlag
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Women as Portrayed Through Popular Culture

A Study of Women's Portrayal in Secular Amharic Songs Produced in Cassettes from September 2004-2005


VDM Verlag





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Descrizione Women as Portrayed Through Popular Culture

This book explores the content of 653 Amharic (Ethiopian) songs produced in cassettes in 1997 Ethiopian Calendar (i.e. from September 2004-2005). In order to assess women's portrayal and existing gender issues in the lyrics, the author analyzed the songs using a coding sheet that integrated 16 physical traits, 19 personality traits and 3 variables on division of labor related to women. In addition, in-depth interviews were undertaken with 10 songwriters in order to assess what affects the content of songs, and to understand women's role in writing lyrics. In addition to being the first of its kind in relation to Amharic songs, the study is also significant in its contribution as a background information for further studies aimed at assessing the effect of songs on the public, and on how women's portrayal in songs affects women's role in the public sphere.

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