H.A.G.S. With Attitude: A Philosophy For Ageing di Angelique du Toit edito da Austin Macauley Publishers
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H.A.G.S. With Attitude: A Philosophy For Ageing

A Philosophy for Ageing





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Descrizione H.A.G.S. With Attitude: A Philosophy For Ageing

This book is aimed at women aged 50 plus who refuse to join the ranks of the invisible older women. The book challenges the anti-ageing rhetoric and the attitude that seeps into every aspect of life. The title of the book is deliberate. Firstly, to prevent us from taking ourselves too seriously. Secondly, to understand the true meaning of hags and thirdly, as a mnemonic that captures the key themes of the book, namely Healthy living, Attitude, Get up and go, and Social connections. Longevity is a relatively new phenomenon and we are all learning to deal with the consequences of an ageing population. Therefore, there is no blueprint for ageing, granting us the freedom to write the script. So, instead of lamenting the effects of our ageing bodies and sagging body parts, this book aims to provide inspiration through the stories and experiences of other women who have gone before and not only survived, but in many instances, thrived. The book offers a practical and philosophical prism for women to make their own choices of how to live life beyond 50. It provides a set of guiding principles to encourage women to be bold and embrace this new phase of life with vigour. We, as a significant and influential group of women around the globe, have to share our wisdom and voices of reason that is needed more than ever before.

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