The Witch who Foiled the Plot: Felix and Penzi's Sixth Paranormal Mystery di Katie Penryn edito da LIGHTNING SOURCE INC
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The Witch who Foiled the Plot: Felix and Penzi's Sixth Paranormal Mystery

Felix And Penzi's Sixth Paranormal Mystery





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Descrizione The Witch who Foiled the Plot: Felix and Penzi's Sixth Paranormal Mystery

The vines are dying. Dogs and children are being attacked. A killer's taking revenge for imagined wrongs. Just when Felix thinks he can keep Penzi out of danger, a vicious criminal rocks the boat. With enough to live on for the rest of their lives, Penzi and Felix no longer need to work for a living. However, when evil comes knocking at the door again, Penzi once more has to choose whether to take up the fight for good or sit back and enjoy the safety of her new-found wealth. Her friends, who own vineyards and a distillery in Cognac, have fallen foul of the powers of greed and wickedness. Well, you know our Penzi. What do you think she'll do? Let it go, or throw herself into the battle? f you love stories about witches, magic, and talking cats and dogs, all spiced up with a dollop of danger, you'll love following along with Mpenzi and Felix, her shape-shifting sidekick, as they fight the good fight against evil in the small French seaside town of Beaucoup-sur-Mer.

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