The Wish That Wasn't A Wish di Laverne Pope edito da Xlibris Corporation
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The Wish That Wasn't A Wish





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Descrizione The Wish That Wasn't A Wish

This is a story about a family that does not have material wealth but has something in life that possesses true meaning and everlasting results; love. Through the unconditional love of one another and the stories that were told by the fathers of each generation, it transformed a community where riches took on a whole new outlook. Sometimes we do not realize what is really important in life until we lose it. During times like these, where many are looking and wishing for things they believe will sustain and bring them everlasting joy, it is not until the things we thought were important, disappear. We are suddenly faced with a new awakening. Maybe, it is not a wish after all because we come to realize we had it all along the way.....

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