Wisdom on Value Investing di Gabriel Wisdom edito da John Wiley & Sons
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Wisdom on Value Investing

How To Profit On Fallen Angels





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Descrizione Wisdom on Value Investing

Wisdom on Value Investing offers author Gabriel Wisdom's insights on succeeding in difficult markets. One of his favorite approaches-which is part classic value investing and part behavioral finance-is called "The Fallen Angels Investment Strategy," and it prepares investors to look past short-term value assumptions in order to capture profits. Throughout this book, Wisdom will show you how to capitalize on value plays where the fundamentals are actually strong, but the "general wisdom" surrounding the security has turned negative. He discusses how stocks with the most promise are ones that Wall Street has marked down without regard to their underlying value, and reveals how this type of intrinsic value discount provides a margin of safety during difficult times, and substantial upside rewards for those who find them early enough. * Takes value investing one step further by mixing significant amounts of behavioral finance into the analysis * Prepares investors to take advantage of other's mistakes * A time-tested strategy for any type of market-up or down A classic look at value investing with a twist, this book will put you in a better position to succeed in both bull and bear markets. Includes a Foreword by Mary Buffett and David Clark, authors of Buffettology.

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