The Winnersmap Methodology di Dominic De Souza edito da AUTHORHOUSE
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The Winnersmap Methodology







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Descrizione The Winnersmap Methodology

Dozens of top executives are applauding Dominic de Souza's The WinnersMap Methodology with his fresh approach to sales. Renato Xavier, sales manager of Compuware (Brazil) and former consulting manager for IBM (Brazil), praises this as "the first book that takes the human aspect of sales into account when providing a practical and easy-to-learn method on how to become a successful salesperson." Dominic de Souza discusses sales with authority and introduces a novel sales method - Winnersmap. With this method, behavior becomes aligned with strategy, including managing cash flow, contacts, and information, and creating client-focused projects and a sales map. Dominic de Souza's method is not just a script, but presents scientific techniques that lead to success in sales. He distinguishes his methods by addressing how to use human behavior to your advantage. It's easy to see how de Souza's work has earned such outstanding endorsements. With infectious enthusiasm, he captures your attention with advice on how to transform casual conversations into numbers, business deals, and partnerships.

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