The Winn Horror Trilogy di Jason M. Winn edito da iUniverse
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The Winn Horror Trilogy







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Descrizione The Winn Horror Trilogy

The three horror stories included in this collection by Jason Winn will take you on a journey of horror that takes you out of your comfort zone and thrusts you into the cauldron of terror! These three disturbing stories of unrelenting horror will plague your mind with nightmares. "The Wages of Sin" Special Agent Lydia Bryant, along with an elite team of law enforcement personnel, must transport the deadliest serial killer in the United States to his execution. In the process, she discovers the true mission lurking within this demonic killer's mind. Now, she must race against time to prevent it from coming to fruition. "Love Thine Enemy" At forty, Laurel Baxter feels that life is passing her by. As a vampire hunter for the Harker/Van Helsing Institute, she endures lonely nights and constantly limited horizons. Her only hope of gaining the life she so desperately craves rests in the hands of the world's most lethal vampire. "An Eye for an Eye" Oliver Ocean is the head of Miami's top modeling agency. Knowing that his models contracts are soon to expire, Ocean plans a final photo shoot with them in the Caribbean. The voyage becomes a bloodbath, though, when Ocean's crew is ambushed by unstoppable zombies.

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