Wine industry logistics in Republic of Macedonia di Violeta Ivanova Petropulos, Drasko Atanasoski edito da LAP Lambert Academic Publishing
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Wine industry logistics in Republic of Macedonia

Wine logistics





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Descrizione Wine industry logistics in Republic of Macedonia

The theoretical characteristics of logistics and logistics systems are numerous, with specific characteristics, different implications and missions. Logistics activities in the wine industry are very important. Macedonia is a large exporter of wine. In terms of export value of agricultural products in Macedonia, wine is at the first place in terms of exports of alcoholic beverages, and at the second place immediately after the tobacco. The winemaking in Macedonia is continuously increasing, especially the last ten years. Besides the increased production, a special attention is paid to the improvement of the quality of produced wine, as well as improving conditions for growing vines, thereby obtaining quality grapes. Several factors affect this positive trend and one of them is educated staffs of vine growers and oenologists which are involved in the process. Thus, quinary logistics takes an important place in the development of vine and wine production.

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