Wild Web Works Website Design Kit di Lori Griffiths edito da Lulu.com
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Wild Web Works Website Design Kit







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Descrizione Wild Web Works Website Design Kit

Puzzled by website design? Whether you know it or not, you already have all the pieces to the puzzle. You just need to put them together. This kit will walk you through the fundamental design process and teach you about website content and the importance of planning and organization in design. The Wild Web Works Website Design Kit was written by an experienced website design and hosting company. This kit was designed for use by anyone, from a beginner to a professional designer. It helps you to organize your ideas and put them into a format that can be used to program a website. This kit goes beyond website content and explains search engines, keywords and other items critical to website success. There is also a companion website available to kit owners. Whether you choose to program your own website or take the contents to a professional design firm, you will save a lot of time, money and frustration. With the Wild Web Works Website Design Kit your website puzzle is solved.

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