Wild Rose di Alexander Buchan edito da AuthorHouse UK
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Wild Rose





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Descrizione Wild Rose

Alexander Buchan was born in a small town, Banff, and raised in the town of Macduff in the north east of Scotland 1978. Having being brought up in a small place also brought him plenty of different opportunities to learn to draw/paint and respect nature and enjoy walking the family dog. It was during a cold night that the idea of his book came to him, as there was a full-moon reflection over the sea as his dog was running ahead. He has based the book on a wild Western where he has characters such as the Stranger, Mr. Howard Jones, and Mrs. Juliet Nicholson bound on an adventure where they have to work together and find a way to resolve things. As the lonely stranger sat by his campfire, cooking the meal he caught earlier, he listened to the sounds of the coyotes in the distance. Once Juliet was on board, Howard climbed down off the other side of the wagon and climbed up onto his own horse. Juliet looked at Howard. "What are you doing, Mr. Jones?" she asked, and Howard replied, "You can drive one of these, Mrs. Nicholson, I'll follow you. It will be a lot easier if I'm on my own horse to deal with any problems if any should arise, okay?" Where will this adventure take Howard and Juliet?

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