Wild Christmas di Joshua Hodge edito da iUniverse
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Wild Christmas







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Descrizione Wild Christmas

There was no escape. He was trapped, just like he was when he was in detention. Life was an enormous prison for Dan. He always found himself in the wrong place at the wrong time. Never had he believed that he was in the right place in life. This Christmas Eve, things are just out of hand... Up at the North Pole, Santa isn't quite as jolly as usual. Rudolph is puking holly, the Toy Shop is on fire, and all the toys have melted on their shelves. Jack Frost's jealousy is posing a real threat towards the holiday. Dan, a teenager at the top of the nice list, suddenly finds himself in the North Pole, getting involved in all the chaos. He befriends Mrs. Claus and a "rebel elf" named Jason. He also meets Santa, who sees Dan as key to a solution. Santa puts him in charge of fixing an antique time machine, and also invites him to travel around the world to deliver all the presents. However, this becomes impossible with all the obstacles that lie in their way. This mess of a holiday can only be fixed if time can be reversed, and everything happens at just the right moment. Everyone has to realize that they are where they are for a purpose, and that this wild Christmas is a giant puzzle that just needs to be put back together again.

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