Wiggle Your Nose and Touch Your Toes di C. Tom Anthony, Jean C. Anthony edito da Tate Publishing & Enterprises

Wiggle Your Nose and Touch Your Toes





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Descrizione Wiggle Your Nose and Touch Your Toes

Parents love to play guessing games with their young toddlers. Quizzes on the names and locations of different parts of their body encourages mental growth in little ones. Wiggle Your Nose and Touch Your Toes is an action-packed book for parents and teachers alike. Toddlers will discover their own bodies in a fun way as they are told to Wiggle Your Nose and Touch Your Toes. Tom and Jean Anthony reside in Dallas, Texas. Tom is a retired minister. Jean has been an elementary school teacher and a homemaker. They are affectionately known by their grandchildren as T-Pa and Je-Je.

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