Why Not Lead? di Deborah E. Reidy edito da iUniverse
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Why Not Lead?

A Primer for Families of People with Disabilities and Their Allies







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Descrizione Why Not Lead?

Leadership can be exercised by anyone who cares enough. You don't need to have a title, be charismatic, or even have confidence. You just need to be motivated to make a difference in the lives of people or causes you care about. In Why Not Lead? author Deborah E. Reidy provides a practical and accessible guide for families of people with disabilities and their allies who are motivated to bring about positive change and who are looking for guidance on their journey. Drawn from decades of experience, Why Not Lead? uses a combination of case studies, short narratives, and personal exercises to provide an understanding of what leadership is, to assist in strengthening your motivation, and to deepen your understanding and application of core leadership practices. "Wonderful, heartful, useful … Reidy's insights and stories illuminate the meaning of life and the practices of leadership …" -Ron Heifetz, author, teacher, and founder of the Center for Public Leadership at Harvard University

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