Why France? edito da Cornell University Press
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Why France?

American Historians Reflect On An Enduring Fascination





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Laura Lee Downs is Professor of History at the ¿ole des Hautes ¿udes en Sciences Sociales. She is the author of Manufacturing Inequality: Gender Divisions in the French and British Metalworking Industries (also from Cornell), Childhood in the Promised Land: Working Class Movements and the Colonies de Vacances in France, and Writing Gender History. St¿ane Gerson is Associate Professor of French and French Studies at New York University. He is the author of The Pride of Place: Local Memories and Political Culture in Nineteenth-Century France, also from Cornell. Roger Chartier is a member of the Coll¿ de France, Professor of History at the ¿ole des Hautes ¿udes en Sciences Sociales, and the author of many books, including The Order of Books and Cultural History: Between Practices and Representations.

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