Why Asthma is Not a Lung Disease di Daniel Ares edito da Page Publishing Inc
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Why Asthma is Not a Lung Disease

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Descrizione Why Asthma is Not a Lung Disease

Just a short while back, I was dysfunctional. I needed a walker around the house. I couldn't bend. I could barely move. Short of my eighties, I now "knew" what it was like being near the end, near dying. When you are old, the idea of dying is a frequent visitor. I was wrong. Whatever was wrong with me is today also wrong with much younger people. The modern world does not do us favors in some ways, I have learned-and it is human ingenuity at fault. I am writing about that too, among other things. Some of the subjects discussed in this book in lay language: Asthma Allergies Digestion Back pains Skin issues Acid Reflux Sleep Apnea Autoimmunity Fungal infection Perhaps the information in this book will also help you, your loved one, or a friend, back to better health and functionality.

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