Who Stole My Power? di Felicity Okolo edito da Lulu.com
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Who Stole My Power?

And The Easy Way To Reclaim It







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Descrizione Who Stole My Power?

Who Stole My Power? And The Easy Way To Reclaim It! by Felicity Okolo is about we as super-beings playing small. This book shows you how to start using your power as a god to excel in life. If your power as a god has been stolen, it shows you how to reclaim it and live loving, joyful life to your true potential while enabling others to do the same. Too many of us live our lives in worry of fulfilling our material desires and fear of the unknown. We tend to search for directions in all the wrong places and before you realise it, your power to excel in life is stolen. In this book you'll learn: ¿ How to banish fear of the unknown and limiting beliefs ¿ How to overcome being overwhelmed & gain balance in your life ¿ How to gain clarity for direction by asking empowering questions ¿ How to tap into your infinite power of imagination & intuition

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