Who the (Bleep) Stole My Shvyzonite?! di Ozzie Freedom edito da Lulu.com
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Who the (Bleep) Stole My Shvyzonite?!







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Descrizione Who the (Bleep) Stole My Shvyzonite?!

FRIDAY MORNING THIS GUY WOKE UP - AND HIS SHVYZONITE WAS GONE! These are the opening words of an intriguing, often hilarious mystery-and-romance story of one very strange weekend. "This guy" is no other than Nate David Romanoff, a brilliant American programmer working in the beautiful city of Kirovograd, Ukraine. But, despite his brilliance, Nate cannot figure out what the hell is a "Shvyzonite" - and why it was stolen from him (was it really?) While feverishly running through a maze of clues, and running into some of the weirdest characters in town, he also bumps into a mysterious Fantasy Babe, or more correctly, she bumps into him... Is she the girl of his dreams? Or his DEATH SENTENCE? And what's with the 29-this and 29-that numbers that keep coming up wherever he turns? A tasteful combo: fiction+comics. Handsomely decorated with genuine photos of where the story takes place, original cartoons, more. The story weaves in and out of the colorful pictures for a delightful reading experience.

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