Whither Has the Money Gone: Fund Flow and Mechanism Under a Grand Asset Management Framework di Jianfeng Yin, Jianwei Wu, Zengwu Wang edito da SPRINGER NATURE
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Whither Has the Money Gone: Fund Flow and Mechanism Under a Grand Asset Management Framework

Fund Flow And Mechanism Under A Grand Asset Management Framework





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Descrizione Whither Has the Money Gone: Fund Flow and Mechanism Under a Grand Asset Management Framework

This book presents Chinäs wealth management market to the public, institutions and research groups. As the money base of Renminbi (RMB or Chinese Yuan) from the central bank increases exponentially in recent years, the overall leverage ratio rises in an alarming rate and the shadow banking issues stick out. Where this massive amount goes has raised huge interest all over the world. This book answers this question in three aspects: What is the money made up? Who is managing the money and how are they doing? The author studied six types of financial institutions that are responsible for channeling the money to industries and individuals. Banks although still the main vehicle for money flows, other financial organizations have taken more and more important roles in the money management market. Insurance, trust, security and mutual funds are the main non-banking business participants. New money management products are innovated, as are the regulations. The money managementbusiness in China has experience from starting chaos to a regulated market and the evolution is still going on. Professionals and researchers around the world are watching Chinäs money market closely, studying the mechanisms, looking for business opportunities and trying to theorizing economic rules. This book is a well presented and professionally structured for the above purposes.

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