Whistle for the Flies, Jesus - Whistle for the Bees on Terry Shafer di Mitch Armaugh edito da AUTHORHOUSE
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Whistle for the Flies, Jesus - Whistle for the Bees on Terry Shafer







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Descrizione Whistle for the Flies, Jesus - Whistle for the Bees on Terry Shafer

Mitch Armaugh, a man with an international reputation in Christendom, suddenly found himself a single dad with two of his three sons still at home and about to enter high school. Mitch had just weathered the tragic and painful loss of his college sweetheart to cancer. He was lonely, available, and very ripe for the picking. Enter Terry Loretta Shafer, a never married loner with a Ritalin-addicted son who did not know his deadbeat father. Terry, a lifelong clerical worker stuck in a dead-end customer phone support job eked out a meager living among Persian immigrants on the seamy side of Phoenix, AZ. In this grinding, true story of persistence and loss, you will see how a dysfunctional but highly manipulative "Christian" woman wormed her way into a high paying job, a $500,000 condo, a tidy retirement account and a neat California no-fault divorce - all at the expense of a Christian man who only wanted to give his heart away.

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