Whispers of a Million Elephants di Jane Thomas edito da Books and Bicycles Press
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Whispers of a Million Elephants





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Descrizione Whispers of a Million Elephants

"There are often good reasons people do bad things. Remember that." Lizzie and Bobby may be escaping a freezing winter and heading to the tropical heat of Thailand but, as they've been firmly told, it's not a vacation. They've been promised schoolwork and a personal tutor and little chance of seeing much else. But a schoolfriend has asked them to deliver two little silver bars to her great-grandmother in Bangkok - and Lizzie did swear she'd do it. Giving their minder the slip, the pair end up taking a night train to Laos and starting an epic quest to get the bars back to their rightful owners. A simple promise suddenly turns deadly serious. Are the secrets the bars hold really worth dying for? Based on true stories of Laos' Secret War, this is a tale of determination, inner strength, and the secrets that bind us.

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