Whispers Of Judas di Redwriter edito da Westbow Press
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Whispers Of Judas





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Descrizione Whispers Of Judas

Twenty-eight-year-old Kofi Ode is an educated Ghanaian business mogul stationed in the United Kingdom. Although he's hardworking and successful, he is picky about his love life. His parents want grandchildren, but Kofi is determined to find the right woman before moving forward. Then he meets Cianneh Taylor, a beautiful Liberian pediatrician, at his favorite café. After learning that she has been stood up by a blind date, Kofi makes it his business to pursue her. Finally, she agrees to date him. Little does she know he's been chaste for eight years-and that he wants her to join him on his journey of chastity. Cianneh blindly agrees, but constant mockery and nudging from her best friend, Ijeoma, causes her to reconsider her decision. Cianneh is stuck with the choice of enduring her friend's ridicule or taking Ijeoma's advice and leaving the relationship to fulfill her sexual desires. Will she learn the importance of chastity in time to salvage her relationship with Kofi? In this novel, a young, passionate couple faces the challenge of embracing chastity in the midst of world demanding that they choose otherwise.

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