Whisper In The Universe di David Gerspach edito da Lulu.com
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Whisper In The Universe

Verdan Chronicles Volume 10







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Descrizione Whisper In The Universe

In The Fifth Age, the people of Verdan stood up to their creators and avoided the destruction of their world. Whisper rejoins the lives of Verdan's heroes five years later. The world is at peace, but it is a peace built upon a foundation of lies. The biggest lie involves magic and why the world has seen no new wizards in the past five years. Celecia and Dakoran are about to assume the throne of Izmir. For the sake of their children, they believe it is imperative that the lie be exposed and the people of Verdan be given a choice. Many world leaders do not agree and will resort to any means necessary to maintain control, even if it means plunging the world back into war. Whisper in the Universe expands the story of Verdan. Old characters and new are drawn into a tale that explores the politics of just how fragile peace can be. And where does Verdan fit into the narrative of the universe? The truth may involve a journey to a place more familiar than you think.

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