Whiplash Injuries edito da Springer Milan
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Whiplash Injuries

Diagnosis And Treatment





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Descrizione Whiplash Injuries

The new edition of this book provides an up-to-date and comprehensive overview of whiplash-associated disorders, focusing in particular on a functional approach to clinical and instrumental diagnosis and rehabilitative treatment. It fully reflects the changes in our understanding of whiplash injuries since the first edition, and in particular the increased awareness that whiplash is a whole-body trauma in which forces act progressively from the lumbar region to the brain, through the cervical spine. Detailed attention is paid to the functional connections between the sense organs of the inner ear, the sympathetic system, and the spine with a view to optimizing diagnosis and treatment. It is explained how various treatment options can be employed to best effect in patients with different symptoms, following, but updating, the well-known Quebec Task Force guidelines. Underestimated aspects such as positional vertigo, somatic tinnitus, temporomandibular disorders, and back pain are also considered. This book will be an invaluable tool in everyday clinical practice for all who are involved in the diagnosis and treatment of whiplash injury.

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